Wednesday, June 14, 2006

another 6 months i go

I have just receive a confirmation of my contract renewal with Dell. And i will be on contract with them for another 6 months.

Benefits outweighs the cost of it. Cus other than staying employed i can seek for a new job. Although it seems quite blurry from now on which direction i wish to follow i have faith upon the job that i wish to opt for.

I'm aware how life can be difficult during this transition period but i think it's worth the wait. Because i know bearing a fruit needs effort.

And so im gonna be sticking with the word Dell for as long as until end of this year.Which means i will be in Penang until end of the year as for now unless i've got a job offer and supposed to go somewhere don't know what.

And at the same time actively seeking for a job. Any opportunities in the areas of Banking and Finance please let me know peeps.

Since i will be here. eh those there let's plan a trip somewhere end of the year laaa. I will be here. Right here waiting...

Back to serious stuff now

I woke up with my ankle a little swollen this morning. I think the reason was that i wore a sports shoes for the whole day (i should have put on the brace)

BUT If i dun wear a sports shoes how am i gonna drive???

A friend offered to drive me to work and Today i put on the braces and i'm sitting on this blue chair in front of this laptop blogging AGAIN.

Thought of going to the physiotherapist soon to see the condition of my ankle and also to get some MCs so that i can rest at home. At the same time feeling bad for taking MCs but i can't help it.

Will see how la ha...

Later Entry
Yahoo Horoscope says this to me :
Planning your future can feel like a task that's hard to get your arms around -- after all, how can you look into the future with any sort of certainty? Things are in a constant state of flux -- especially now -- so you'll feel less frustrated if you just let life go on as it is for a little while longer. There's no need to pin down every little goal you have. There is a real mystery in your future, and you should see it as a very exhilarating thing.
Quite true...

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