Sunday, January 28, 2007

not even close

i could rmb reminding myself to get smacked to move forward. havent really got any smack yet. more often than not we dwell in something that we can't actually dwell in. there's always 2 sides of everything.

ya back for a year already so what? Celebrate the day? The 1st Anniversary? What is there to celebrate. Time Flies ok? It actually means i'm one year older now. i admit how much i kept on pondering; ponder upon what which now we call the past and also the present. And recently it's more on the present and the future. Come March i'm in Dell for 1 yr already. Freaking blink 1 yr! What did i do? What i achieved? Nothing really.

The only difference i made in the past 1 yr is

- Slept less
- Ate less
- Worked MORE!
- Loose Weight
- Aged
- Stopped Caffeine Consumption (and i still miss my Flat White!)
- Earned my own Money and spend like there's no tomorrow and
- In deep shit!

I always wonder, what if out of the blue i was told something i don't expect. I would get the greatest shock in my life. I could be traumatised. On a contrary, if i werent told what i was supposed to know then how ever can things go on. So "Be Prepared" comes my Guide's Motto. Talking about guides, i miss my guiding days so bloody much!

Last Friday i was at bed Belissa Row with S. She told me that i'm contradicting myself. When you are contradicting yourself means you don't know how to decide lah! If i know then i wouldnt ask you rite?

Come hell or high water, i know this is how things should go and let's just follow the flow and see how we come to meet the ends.

Thinking of retrenchment. A friend's friend got retrench from an MNC and he got a huge sum of compensation which he could enjoy whilst getting a new job. Could it happen in the MNC that i'm working at? We'll never know...MNCs are unpredictable. Overnight, you wil receive NEWS may it be Good or Bad. It created 1200 jobs last year in Penang itself. I am one of the 1200. And it's now moving so rapidly that they are expanding not only in Penang but Cyberjaya. The CEO was here in the office last Tuesday for VP Award presentations and also grabbing the Datuk-ship title from the Penang Governor. looks like it's moving so rapidly. What's more since it's moving so fast....i have more workloads! Many thanks to the rapid growing business in Asia Pacific! tsk...tsk...

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