Thursday, April 17, 2008

owing you owing me

i realise ever since i started to blog about the food i ate, or the places i've been to, i actually had neglected to blog about the personal piece of myself which originally it was meant to be.

anyway..i've been in hibernation mode recently and i still dont find the reason why. Strange aye? i'm very sure i'm still owing not you but myself the post of my vacation in Bangkok a month ago.

last week I went for dinner at this place called Bukit Genting which is located on the stretch of the road from Teluk Kumbar heading to Balik Pulau. Food is nothing extraordinary. Most of the value goes to the scenic environment. A great place for sunset and sunrise but food wise not recommended. It's Pork Free too...(picture should flow after i completed the Bangkok Piece)

do you find the media nowadays have nothing great to talk about but they repeat themselves. Things like...

  • I'm not stepping down

sounds familiar to you? Bet it is because ever since 0803 that was the one and only controversial hawt juicy issue that everyone has been occupying themselves with.

I also came about this article this morning about the increasing stds of living. An auntie made a comment that she heard rising prices of food and neccessities but her husband's pension never increase. Well that shows that the quality of life actually deteriorates.

But that doesn't mean that when we get pay increments we are better off. Because the pay increment is meant to cover for inflation. We are no better or worst off. Quality of life stay the same? Hell no...Because when we earn more we tend to spend more and that's the issue of human being not able to succumb to temptations. Well that then is our fault. sounds like i'm giving a lecture on Economics. Rmb im going to move in to Market research and hey i can't wait for the next phase in my career. But i have a month and a half to kill in "the great place to work" before moving down central of the peninsula.

Haven't found a place to move in. Haven't figure out what to move and how to move them.

What's important now? Bye Bye....time out and i'm heading to gym now.


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