Saturday, January 07, 2006

game and play

The Monopoly of the day goes to -----------------> YUTI!

The Play goes to --------------------------------------> An Inspector Calls. Yeah! A very nice one indeed. Reading it is interesting. On top of that it's meaningful too. If any of you could grab at least a chance to watch it. Please do as it makes you think how you sometimes may lead your life or would have led it mistakenly.

As time passes by i started to miss things already. The place and the people. No matter where you are or where i am i hope this could last forever. Just as always it could be or should be. I shall meet you again.


I went to the SIO to take my completion letter. 2nd June is the date! The date for my graduation. If it's 1st of June it will be even better isn't it? Hhahahahahahahahahaha.....

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