Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"on rettam woh drah i deirt, siht si tahw i teg. ot eb tsenoh i t'ndid deirt drah ta lla dna taht snialpxe. dnideen ton tsuj stug, segaruoc dedulcni"

I've been spending time watching "肥田囍事" called To Grow With Love recently. Developed lots of thoughts while watching this particular drama.

I think it's a no escape for guys out there spending some time attending this drama. It's like putting themself in others shoes when they are watching it.

Putting themself in a Fat person's perspective. How they were discriminated. How they felt when they gave bad remarks about fat people. How it lowers self esteem and how it makes them feel so tiny. It's NOT all about Girls being Fat. It's about GUYS as well.

To a lot of people Fat Girls are absolute No No. Guys definitely won't look back for a slightly chubbier girl? Or at least a lil meaty they won't consider. I have come across people of that kind. I wasn't the victim to be lucky enough. At work you find more people like this. Realistic they are! And worst comes when they are not purrfect themself!

To girls on the other hand, when guys are fat they think they look ugly. Especially when on one hand they have a can of Coke plus one the other with a huge piece of Roasted Pork with plenty of fats( this is what they call NICE. Good to EAT!) walking down the streets with his bulgy belly.

One thing we have to always bear in mind. "We not only judge others, But others judge us too." Learn to develop relationship before judging. Having outer beauty doesnt mean there's inner beauty. Could be deceitful.

This is what is happening in this drama series. I think all inhabitants in this world needs to get rid of this stereotype on people whom they consider Fat.

To find out more...watch that drama and think over it.

So guys or girls out there DO NOT Feel Down when you receive sarcastic remarks. Do not react. Let them say what they want and Full Stop. They in the end felt they are stupid because their statements fail to trigger your anger or actions. This is what i learnt from my training today. Dealing With Difficult People. Course II will continue tomorrow.

till then then...

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