Monday, February 26, 2007


Last week i was reading theStar online and the transportation ministry were saying that they are expecting RapidKL to take over the public transportation in Penang. There and then i wondered whether they will be naming it RapidPenang or RapidGeorgetown. The latter dont seem possible cus it's way too long a naming (even RapidPenang is already quite long unless it's RapidPG) to be painted on the body of a bus unless they acquire buses as long as those we could find in Sydney that goes to really outskirt places i.e French Forest. It does make good senses do operate that bus cus more often than not and without fail, commuters will squeeze into the buses although it is already full. It could be a good idea to run that kinda jumbo long bus.

And just today in the star online they made it public that they will be running RapidPenang by August. And later on introducing it to the mainland. It makes me wonder again what would they call it? RapidSeberangPrai? RapidButterworth? RapidProvinceWellesley(PW)?

God knows i'm blogging from my desk and now you know. I reached the office at 10 today. And it is lucky to not having so much workload accumulated from the weekend. And so practically i'm waiting for time to fly so that i can cabut.

Sometimes i wonder if i'm really that naughty. I seriously don't think so. Whoever reads this there's always a chance to rebut on the chatterbox. Why did i bring up this issue. Because...on the few days of CNY i was home all day for 3 consecutive days.

My dad asked "Not going out today?"
The daughter replied " Nope, nowhere to go"

A few hours later...
Dad: You sure you din go out today?
Me: YES very sure.

The next day
Dad: You sure you are not going out today?
Me: Yes very sure. Nowhere to go!

A week ago on one of the Saturdays.
Dad: You din go out today? Sure or not? I din see you in the house also. AND you parked your car in a different spot.
Already very agitated ME: Yes, I'm Home all day long and i was in the room. I parked the car in a different spot because in a shaded area.

See!! When you are good they doubt if you are really that good and when you bad they consider you bad. No exceptions.

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