Monday, August 21, 2006

i have a full list of them

apparently the month u were born does imply something. shall we see if it's true.


* Thinks far with vision
( in fact i have too far reach thoughts)
* Easily influenced by kindness
(hehhe....i may misunderstood)
* Polite and soft-spoken
(i'm straight forward and i guess that makes me rude)
* Having lots of ideas
(stoopid ideas usually)
* Sensitive
(i'm VERY)
* Active mind
(yes i do)
* Hesitating
(to certain things)
* Tends to delay
(only recently on things i don't like)
* Choosy and always wants the best
(i'm choosy but not always wanting the best; not to the extreme)
* Temperamental
(hmmm....what do u think?)
* Funny and humorous (hehehe....tht's simply bling)
* Loves to joke
(uh so me)
* Good debating skills
(when i scold someone i am)
* Talkative
(since young i am; always receive complaints from my teacher in primary)
* Daydreamer
(sometimes i do)
* Friendly
( yes I am!)
* Knows how to make friends
(tht's a piece of cake)
* Abiding
(yea i do)
* Able to show character
(what kinda ambigious question)
* Easily hurt
(i'm sensitive so i think i am)
* Prone to getting colds

* Loves to dress up
(too fat to do so wait till i lose weight)
* Easily bored (certain things?)
* Fussy
(heheheh...i think i am quite)
* Seldom show emotions
(none other than anger)
* Takes time to recover when hurt
(im sure everyone needs time to heal)
* Brand conscious
(not really)
* Executive
(dream to be one)
* Stubborn
(i am i am...who is not stubborn? determined would sound positive?)
* Those who loves me are enemies
(absolute NO NO!)
* Those who hates me are friends
(Hell Straight NO NooOo!)

I have a full list right from January tp December which i think i should be forwarding them to my friends. And i will spare some time doing that soon.

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