Monday, December 26, 2005

1 year....

Today marks the 1st anniversary of the Asia's Tsunami disaster. I could still rmb, now at this moment when i type this blog at 12.03noon which is equivalent to 9.03am in Penang when i felt the tremor. I was still on my bed in the middle of my fantasies and i thought my sister who was sleeping on top of the double deck where i was sleeping was shaking the bed. I scolded her without fail because i hate being disturb from my beauty sleep. It was shaking very very badly and it happened for a duration of a few minutes. At that particular moment i was like....Ish...stupid girl stop shaking the bed!!In a few secs later my dad started yelling....he said wake up wake up earthquake.........quickly save our lives. I of course without knowing anything pull myself out from the bed and went out to the living room and see what was goin on.I was half conscious by then. Looking at how lost we were, my dad repeats himself....and my sister and I ran clumsily down the apartment with mum and dad.Oh was a real bad experience.I could not imagine i will live until today if the earthquake was worst than it was. I wouldn't have gone through this year in Sydney which i think a memorable one and i dun think i will be able to graduate and a lot more repercussions from the earthquake.
I hope WE all the habitats on Earth will have a good year ahead with a bright future and hope. Free from natural disasters and War!

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